Thrift Store Hunting


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. openly talked about his dreams for a more just and equal society and fifty-five years after his most famous speech,…


The snow that was forecasted for this weekend here in RVA decided to take a turn so I’ll be doing all the things this weekend!…

so good, they deserved a blog post

Last week I posted on my IG stories a shot of my blazer for the day and as it happens the jeans took center stage;…

my money diaries. the series.

I’ve got some pretty lofty goals for 2019 and one of them is paying off a big chunk of my debt. Last year I shared…

out with the old, in with the new!

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW! If that’s your motto for 2019, be sure you keep that same energy when it comes…


Happy 2019!!!! While everyone else started off the New Year posting about what they resolve to do for 2019, I took a break. It takes…