Never underestimate the power of a woman. Scratch that, underestimate her so she can give you the business!
Women are the most powerful creatures to walk to face of this earth and if you doubt that for a second, step into her shoes for the day and watch her work. She is stronger than any 10 men put together and that strength can’t be matched, no matter how hard you try. There’s no limit to the things she will do for you, no mountain to high for her to climb. No puzzle to complicated for her to solve, no journey to long for her to travel. Life begins with a woman and without her, we would cease to exist.
I stand today with women from across the world in support of “A Day Without A Woman”! I stand side by side in this fight with all the women today and everyday until equality is won for all! For more information about this movement and how you can get involved, hop over here!
Hath no fear like a WOMAN SCORNED!
Jacket: vintage levis//Jeans: vintage levis//Blouse: vintage//Shoes: m. gemi (old)
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Photos by Sandy Swagger Jones