For the second time in the last few months, The Real Real has deposited a coupon in my inbox for me to save a few bucks on the pre loved luxury item of my dreams. If you’ve never heard of this place before, let me introduce you two! What started as an online luxury resale site, The Real Real has expanded with brick and mortar stores in major cities such as NYC and LA and their speciality is buying and selling luxury items for a fraction of the retail price. You can be sure that the item you’re buying is 100% authentic and that’s because they have a team of experts who are masters at the craft of authentication. And it’s not just a place to buy clothes; they sell jewelry, home furnishings and art making it the number one destination for all things luxury on a budget!
Every time they send me a coupon, I hop over to their site and and endlessly scroll through the blouses, skirts, vintage Chanel bags (swoon) and shoes; let’s be honest, I mostly endlessly scroll the shoes and vintage Chanel bags and I mark my favorite ones with a heart. I told myself this time I wouldn’t let the coupon expire and treat myself to something off my wish list. I mean it’s Christmas right? The season of giving right? So why not give myself something for being so awesome?! Cause I’m awesome right?? And hell, I’ve been pretty good this year, expect for that one time but it wasn’t my fault!
Anywho, scroll to check out my favorites and stay tuned to see what I decided to pick! And if your in the giving mood, you can totally pick something out for a certain person (wink, wink)!

real real lust list: