It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Not Christmas, SUMMER!
I’m a summer baby; June 21 first to be exact! And that also happens to be the first official day of summer so excuse me while go soak up the next few months of warm air and sunshine. Thanks to a few other blogger gal pal’s, I’ve gotten into this habit of making a list of things I want to get done during each season so today I’m sharing my bucket list with you.

Museum Hopping: When I was a little girl my summers were filled with long afternoons spent at the VMFA and as I have gotten older that has all but been put on the back burner. I did come out of my museum retirement when my son was younger but as he got older and lost interest and again stopped going but while shooting these images in one of the galleries, I remembered how much love going and with a new exhibit opening in a few days I’m excited to go back.
Rooftop Chillin: Can I tell you a secret? I’ve not been to a single rooftop bar situation since they became a thing in Richmond. I always say I’m going to go but never do in the end; but not this summer baby!

Salsa Dancing: My co-workers and I have an annual “before summer camp starts” dinner and next door is a cute little mexican restaurant that has a dance studio on top. We walked in one day and wanted to go dance but were to chicken and vowed to go back.
Weekend Getaway: I’ve been wanting to take a quick trip up to DC for a bit of relaxation and I’m making plans to do just that this summer.
Getaway House: My blogger gal pal Ebonee from Ebonnee Travels took a trip hang out with the Getaway House team and told me I need go ASAP, so of course it made my summer bucket list!
What’s on your summer bucket list?