This Wednesday will mark four weeks since I’ve applied for a new position with my current employer. I’ve been in my current position for the past 11 years and have been feeling a bit stagnant, not challenged and am ready for a change. Full disclosure, I’ve applied for a few different variations of this position for the past year and was unsuccessful in securing that all important interview to show off my skills off paper. While I wait with baited breath to find out if I’ve gotten the job; by the way prayers on my behalf are encouraged and appreciated, I’m sharing with you my tips for giving a kick ass interview
Do your research, on both the company and the position. What are some of the biggest accomplishments ABC company had in the last 6 months? What is the deal with the current position? You don’t want to be caught with your pants down if you’re asked about the company and know nothing expect they had a job opening. Arm yourself with a few recent accomplishments about the company to show you’re already invested. And if their recent accomplishments are aligned with a career accomplishment of your own, play that up!

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Practice makes perfect. Whether you’re asking friends to give you a mock interview or practicing in the shower, be sure to go over answering some of the most commonly asked questions. It helps get the jitters out and gives you a head start with answers.

Ask questions. This is a tip my mother gave me and it’s never failed. I always carry a small notebook in my interviews filled with 4-5 questions that are relevant to the position and the company. This is less about showing your prospective employer you’re invested in the company and more about if this will be a good fit for you. I’ve found after asking key questions, the job may not be a good fit for me or the creative freedom I assumed I would have just won’t happen. An interview is a two way street so be sure to fire away!
Leave your media kit. I guess you can call it the blogger in me but it’s a good idea to take your biggest selling points and on a short document go into a bit more detail about them. Your resume says “Created XYZ program”, well take that skill and detail the how, why and results of it. It gives your interviewer a better picture of your skills rather than a snapshot with your resume. One of my strong suits was serving as a spokesperson for brands so I elaborated that point with the a detailed account of the who and how. Just be sure to highlight the skills that most relevant to the position.

Send a thank you email. No more than 48 but no less than 24 hours be sure to send a follow up email to the person or persons who interviewed you and thank them for taking the time out to do so. This is your final pitch to let them know you’re the best person for the job, so be sure to nail it! Recall a few key things you spoke about, reiterate your best qualifications and for a super personal touch, mention something you felt you connected on.
Hope these tips help you land the job of your dreams!