Getting dressed lately has been a challenge. Not only has the weather been in a mood and from day-to-day I’m not sure what to wear, I’m not feeling super confident in my skin right now. I’ve put on a bit of weight and I’m feeling very uncomfortable. My clothes aren’t fitting how I want and there’s a few things in my closet that simply don’t fit me anymore. It’s been a struggle to get inspired about getting dressed and my room is left in shambles; clothes thrown across the bed and shoes scattered on the floor because I’m frustrated. Lately I’ve been wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt; if you know me, you know that’s rock bottom. I have small glimpses of fashion inspo and complete body positivity but most days, nah. A fellow blogger, Jen of Jen Jean Pierre posted on her insta stories a few weeks ago that she was feeling the same way; uninspired to put together outfits because of how she felt about her body and I immediately responded with a “Me too”. Knowing this feeling will not just go away on its own, I started down a path of steps that is helping me pull myself out of this style rut and wanted to share with you!
Take clothes out of your closet that DON’T fit you. For me one of the biggest reasons I’ve been so frustrated with dressing is I’m hanging on to clothes that I know don’t fit me. On a daily basis I would reach for a top or a pair of jeans that use to fit and loved but now don’t and it’s a reminder that I’m not happy with my body right now. By removing them, I have a closet full of clothes that fit my body and won’t remind me about my body incuerties.
Discard clothes that DON’T spark joy. Now I have clothes that fit, I wanted to be sure they are clothes that I love and want to wear. I went through each item to make sure they were going to make me happy about getting dressed everyday. Having a closet full of clothes that fit my new body but were not appealing to me would have sent me back into a insecure place or to my nearest second-hand shop to buy more clothes and I’m trying to avoid both at all cost! With a closet of clothes that fit and I love, getting dressed in the mornings are a joy and not a chore.
— USE Pinterest, like forreal this time. I love pinning outfit ideas, home decor inspo and recipes, but I never actually get around to trying anything out. Sometimes you just need a little jumpstart and I think this will get the ball rolling! As I was scrolling and pinning looks, I could see myself wearing them and I felt my excitement start to rise to wear all of these badass looks!
shop similar looks:
Reimagine your clothes in a new way. I’ve always been obsessed with trying to refashion items in my closet. When I was in college, I remember buying this massively huge scarf from Walmart to use as a head wrap. One night while getting dressed for a party, I pulled out that scarf and wore it as a top and everyone on campus was part stunned and intrugged. It wasn’t too long after that, it was the thing to do! While I won’t be wearing a scarf as a top today lol, I looked at a few items in my closet and tried to see other ways to wear them. Can I wear this blazer as a top or this men’s shirt as a skirt? What if I ditch the belt for a scarf? Sometimes looking at things in a different way can get your mind working and juices flowing again!
Challenge yourself to break up the outfit “safe place”. When I’m at my wits end with trying to figure out what to wear, my safe place is a pair of jeans and a tee. And though there is nothing wrong with that, I walk around all day not quite comfortable because my outfit is a reminder that I couldn’t find something to wear that I’m happy with…and my room is a mess lol! When I go for my usual, I’ll now try to pull out a different top or bottom to mix it up and then blot for the door before I can change my mind. This is a tip I haven’t tried out you, so I will keep you updated on how this goes!
LOVE the skin you’re in. This of course should be tip number one but I thought it better to end on this note. You need to love yourself no matter what stage of the game you’re in. Beating up on yourself just makes you feel like crap and takes your confidence down to a dark place. I’m a few pounds heavier than I was before but that does not mean I’m any less of the person I was minus the weight; neither are you! If I never lose a single pound and gain few more, I have to be ok with that and understand that it doesn’t define me. Beyond the surface tips I shared with you, I want you to take this as the most important one!
If you have any tips on how to get out of a style rut, please leave them in the comments below!