We’ve made it to the end of the first week in October and is it just me or was it a long one? With temperatures in the freaking 80’s this week, I’m not sure Fall got the memo it’s suppose to cool down now. I few years ago I used to do a Friday Favs list but I stopped because it got to be a bit much and to be honest I was only rounding up clothes and things I thought you should buy. I’ve decided to bring this series back with a twist and give a round up of all the things; from what I’m reading, watching and hearing; and a bit of shopping included.
I hope you like the new format!
My blogger babe Zumreta wrote an amazing post about embracing our rejection that has me pumped to get out and get rejected lol. Read the post and you will understand!
Yep! Shameless plug alert but ya girl is the newest member of the PureWow Coterie! I’ve been wanting to be a member for a few years now and it’s surreal to actually have it happen!

To say my stomach has been in knots would be an understatement over the entire Supreme Court issue. I honestly can’t believe we’re at a point in this country where we are willing to put party over country. Elections have consequences and this battle is a direct result of that. Were lucky to live in a country when we don’t like what our government is doing, we can change it! No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, please make your voice is heard and get registered to vote!
And things like this happen and my faith is restored in humanity!
THIS IS US is back and I could not be more excited! I missed the last half of the last season and I had to play catch up but I’m finally on track and need to stock up on more Kleenex, this season already has my emotions in overdrive!
As I was finishing this post, I took a break to watch a Netflix movie I’ve been hearing about “Nappily Ever After”. There’ve been some mixed reviews and I have to admit, I was not a fan of how it ended but the root of the movie was one I think every woman can relate to.
shop similar looks:
Last week I applied to be a member if the Fohr Freshman class and I would love your support in beefing up my application. To those of you who have given testimonials, I truly thank you as you support does not go unnoticed!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
So I’m obsessed with the Friday favs and you definitely have to do it more often! And I love your outfit in your photos ?
Thank you so much and I will be sure to do it often!