I’m often asked “How do you find so many amazing pieces in the thrift store?” and my answer typically is “It’s not always a bed of roses” and that’s normally followed by major side eye from the person on the receiving end. Thrift shopping can be hit or miss and I don’t always find great things. Actually it’s more miss than hit since you have to hunt for that perfect piece and then hope it fits and doesn’t need any major repairs. As a matter of fact, I stopped at a thrift shop today and didn’t find anything, NOT A THING! Yes, I have purchased some of the most amazing pieces in the thrift store but I’ve purchased some straight up duds so I thought I would share them with you guys today!
FAKE Vintage Chanel Clutch. Y’all your girl thought she struck gold with this one! I remember finding this amazing Chanel clutch just hanging out with the other purses and when I checked the price tag, I almost died….$2! I ran to the counter as fast as I could and went to call my thrifting crew from college (we were on break), to rub in their faces what an amazing score I just had. I loved that clutch and when I wanted to look super fly, I would always grab for it. Cut to a lot of years later when I was watching a show on how to authenticate a designer bag and found it was a dud; the shame of it all! I’ve since gotten rid of the bag and the shame that was attached with it.
Bracelets. Let’s be clear, it’s not them, its me. In general I’m not a jewelry fan and despite that I always find myself picking up a bracelet or two or three with a promise of wearing them. I of course don’t and end up donating them back to the thrift store…waste of money much?
Panama Hat. It was the summer hat that made its rounds all over Instagram last year and I had to have one so I hunted the thrift stores down looking. When I finally found one that looked similar to the ones I’d seen, I snatched it up but after a few try on’s once I got home, it was a NO for me and I let it go…makes cute wall decor though lol!
Vintage Tux Jacket with Tails. So I have this vision of wearing a tux jacket with tails, a pair of jeans, old beat up band tee and sneakers; and don’t ask me why, I don’t know lol! For about six months I was on the hunt for a tux jacket and came across a forest green one that needed a bit of help. Well I tried and tried to make it work and it just didn’t. The jacket it ill fitting, not a flattering cut and not the best color.
shop similar looks:
Vintage Levis Denim Jacket. I have to admit, I was never a huge denim jacket fan. I’ve always prefered blazers but when I spotted this one a few years ago, I knew it had to be mine. It’s perfectly oversized and makes any outfit a touch more badass in a cool kinda way. Since then, I have only added one other denim jacket to my closet and its because this lovely has spoiled me and I only want to find ones that are just like it lol!
Moto Jacket. If you follow me over on Instagram, then you know I’d been hunting one down for over a year and when I found one I heard angels singing…no forreal lol! The part frustrating and part of thrifting is having to wait for an item you really want. But when you find it, the wait is well worth it!
Vintage Beaded Cape. There are no words for how amazing this piece is! I spotted it among a rack of dresses and snatched it up, paid for it and put it in my car then came back to finish shopping, that’s how good it was! I’ve only worn it for the blog as I’m patiently waiting for the right occasion to wear it out and about!
Cowboy Boots. I never knew I needed a pair until I found them and now I can’t imagine my closet without it! When I found them, there were perfectly worn in with many years worth of life left in them. They don’t get near enough wear as they should but after including them in this post, that may change!
Let me know some of your best and worst thrift store find!