I do a few things.
I work a fulltime job, blog, freelance as a social media manager and I have not so tiny person I’m responsible for.
I currently have a pile of clothes that need to be washed, a pile that needs to be folded, a pile that needs to go to the cleaners and a pile that needs to be donated to the Goodwill.
I have a few emails that need to be responded to. A few school forms that need to be filled out.
The boy needs his shirt pressed.
I need to water the plants. I’ve killed one already.
I’ve been staring at a pile of jeans I want to sell on my Poshmark for a month now. By the way if you are reading this, I have jeans for sale. And shoes. And a purse.

I did finally hang my clothes up from a shoot last week; well not the suit pants or the blazer. I have them draped over a chair. I went to the Goodwill yesterday and added a pair of jeans to it.
I have a pile of mail that needs to be opened; but they’re bills so should I really open them?

shop the look:
I have tiny piles of trash in the hall that needs to be swept up and a few tiny bags of trash bags around the house that need to be put in the dumpster.
My shower is a few days past due of a scrub and a dishwasher full of dishes that need to be washed; I’m on day 5 of hand washing plates and forks as needed.
I have a plate and fork on my dresser, not sure what I was eating. It’s been there for a week now.

But instead of getting all of this together, I’m writing this post and then will eat a brownie while watching throwback episodes of Judge Judy on YouTube.
It’s all about balance folks.